Hi, my name is Talyn Nelson, and I was born and raised in Pasadena CA, on March 21st, 1992. I’m the middle of 3 children, and I’m not only the coolest but humblest person you would ever meet. The reason why I say that I’m the coolest person you would ever meet is that I’m a GOD fearing woman from an amazing family. I’m talented, determined, educated, and have amazing work ethic. I’m also driven to reach my dreams and goals, and I motivate others to be the absolute best they can be. The reason why I say I’m the humblest is that I’d rather lift other people instead of myself. You will never see me boasting about myself because I’m too busy giving GOD all the glory. I grew up in the church, but I didn’t get saved until I was 19 years old.
GOD’s grace completely saved my life, and for sure changed my life. I was going down a dark path, and I was lost before I called on the name, Jesus. I was on drugs, I was a theif, and I was really at a low point in my life, but I still always kept a smile on my face like everything was okay. When I was the most broken, I didn’t know where to turn. I tried to turn to family, friends, and even my inner thoughts, but none was available to help me until I turned to Christ. He heard my cry, and I’ve never felt as much peace before in my life. Not only did he hear my cry and gave me peace, but he also filed me with everlasting love. He forgave me when I didn’t deserve it, and let me know that I have value to the calling of my life. He didn’t call me to take up space, but he breathed breath in my lungs and designed a purpose with my name on it. When I had nothing, he still saw something in me, and for that I’m just so grateful. I will forever surrender my whole life to him, and be the woman he has called me to be. I thank GOD every day for the family he has placed me in, and the friends that became family. Honestly, I wouldn’t be the woman I am without them.
My sister and I are 14 months apart, and I confide in her for everything. We are always together; she’s my best friend, my counselor, and my business partner. My brother and I are 5 years apart, and he’s so talented. He doesn’t even know how much of a miracle he is to me, and I’m extremely blessed to say that I have the most amazing parents in the world. They have been married for 30 years, and they show me the true definition of love. My mom is such a survivor and a caring person. She taught me how to hold on to my faith, even when things get hard, and showed me how important it is to love and be kind to everybody. She equipped me to be such an empowering woman. My dad is the kindest, and the hardest working man I’ve ever met in my life. He gets up every morning and grinds for our entire family, and he has never complained. He keeps working, come rain or shine, and he keeps the biggest smile on his face. He taught me how to be a hard worker and how to work for everything I want. He also educated me that nothing is just going to be given to you; you have to go out and earn it! I earned a few accomplishments in my life so far, and I worked extremely hard for every one of them.
Growing up, I was a competitive dancer for 9 years. I did all kinds of dance such as tap, jazz, ballet, modern, hip-hop, and several others. I was dancing every day for about 25 hours a week, and it was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but it for sure paid off because every competition we never placed lower than 1 st place. I decided to stop dancing when I hit high school, and I became a cheerleader. I attended Pasadena High School, and not only was I a cheerleader during my senior year, but I graduated with a 3.8. After high school, I became a competition cheer coach for Loma Alta Diamondz. My cheerleaders took home a trophy every competition, and not only did I work hard to make them winners, but I worked extremely hard to teach them self respect, and character.
After a few years of coaching, I decided to go better my education. I attended Paul Quinn College in Dallas TX, where I studied Liberal Arts and Child Development. I was so determined to graduate with my sister, and I finished college in 3 years. During my last semester, I took 26 credits, worked because I had bills to be paid, and I had to do an internship. I honestly cried every day until I graduated, but I did it! I’m grateful for these accomplishments, but I wouldn’t have achieved anything if it weren’t for the grace of GOD, a focused and determined mind, and a lot of hard work. I feel that I been a hard worker my entire life. I started working at the age of 14, and every job I’ve ever had positioned me and prepared me to move closer towards my purpose. I worked with kids for 12 years, and that job taught me numerous amount of patience, and I learned how to care for others instead of only thinking about myself. Throughout college I was a food server, and I served in multiple restaurants. While being a server, I perfected my skill of customer service and tending to people’s needs. I also learned how to multitask and upsell items.
After college, I moved back to Cali, and I was a nanny for a few months. Being a nanny honestly taught me how to be a mother and showed me that I am not ready for kids at this moment. After Nanning, my mom got me a job at the Commerce Casino. At the casino, I used my customer service skills, meeting the customer’s needs, and I for sure had to use my patience, but what the casino taught me is how to manage large lump sums of money. I’m truly grateful for every job that I’ve ever had, and the skills I accumulated while working at these jobs. But I never felt that GOD called me to be an employee, he just positioned me in those jobs for a certain period to teach me what I needed to learn, but now, I feel like he’s calling me into my purpose. I feel like he called me to be a light in a dark place, own multiple businesses, and help millions of people.
Now, I do financial services, helping families to make money or save money. I am my own boss, and I am learning so much. I have a strong team behind me who’s as hungry as I am, and we are all going to win! I’m learning how to lead and build a quality business. I also do motivational speaking on the side. I honestly never intended to do motivational speaking. I’m just an extremely passionate person for building people up and delivering as much wisdom as I can. Several individuals reach out to me via social media and say I inspire them, and I need to be a motivational speaker. So, here I am giving it a try. All I ask is that GOD uses me and let me bring value to other peoples life.