SquadGoals is not just another podcast. It's a living documentary of how to win in life as a team regardless of where you come from or what you started with. So, if you're looking for ways to be more successful with your spouse, friends, family, teammates, co-workers and so on, this program should be definitely worth your time.
We want to empower, uplift, & inspire the world through the art of teamwork!


When putting together a championship team in the game of life, most of us are actually fortunate enough to not have to start from scratch. Using the questions below, make a quick assessment of the people that are already in your life and that have already shown you nothing but love, encouragement, and positive vibes. Recognizing these individuals should help you understand that regardless of the challenges you're going to face along your journey, you have people around you that want you to be successful at whatever you choose to do.
Who has always supported your dreams & ideas?
Who can you go to when you need something?
Who always has your back no matter what?
Who has never betrayed your trust?
Who always tells you what you need to hear, even if it hurts?
Who has always wanted the best for you?
Who always gave to you and never wanted anything back?
Who can you tell anything to?
Who would you trust to run your business in your absence?
Who wound you trust to look after your loved ones in your absence?
Take inventory of your circle often. If you can't name the people you spend the most time with when answering the above questions, you might want to start making some new friends. Much of your success in life or lack thereof is strongly connected to those you keep around you. So, be sure to associate regularly with people that inspire you, challenge you in the best way, want you to succeed, and contribute to solutions. #SquadGoals
Are you looking for ways to increase exposure for your business, build your brand, and grow your influence? Then, you should consider partnering with "SquadGoals" to make that happen! Our rates are reasonable, our growth is ongoing, and the opportunities that will come from working together are endless. To learn more, please check out our media kit or contact us directly at (636) 336-2624.