LIFE OF A BOSS: Creating & Living Your Own Definition Of Success (Pre-Order))
You are pre-ordering an advanced digital copy of "LIFE OF A BOSS: Creating & Living Your Own Definition Of Success", by Jason Hardin. Hardin is a mentor, entrepreneur, community advocate, public speaker, and host of "LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast". In this book, Hardin takes readers through his LIFE OF A BOSS pholosophy of personal development. Sharing the most valuable of his experiences and perspective, readers will be left inspired and empowered to take full control over their lives a begin living their definition of success.
Your advanced copy should ship out the last week of September, 2021. The official release of "LIFE OF A BOSS: Creating & Living Your Own Definition Of Success" is October 1st, 2021. Thank you so much for your support.